day two - the postcards have begun

Dear Victoria,
You wonder in your most recent post, "I wonder if anyone is reading..." I'm still reading! Like I said in the previous email, you are someone I find myself rooting for, sort of like a character in a book or Carrie Bradshaw (I don't know how you feel about Sex and the City, so I suppose I should qualify that comparison as a positive one!).

Anyway, I just tonight arrived home from a solo three day meandering drive through IL, IN, OH, WV, PA, NY, CT, and MA (visited parents in IL), and wish you the same Simpsonesque skies and roll-down-the-windows-and-turn-up-the-Ryan-Adams weather I had. Best of luck on your big move - I admire your moxie!

Go mairir is go gathair,

I just came on to email myself, like I said, when I have my laptop connected with all my bookmarks, I can just blog - but for now I have to email myself to have an archive, and I figured why not let you in on the notebook pages. Writing, writing writing writing -

My hair is divine. I am luminous. I will miss the birth of Meredith's next child, whom I am permanently bonded to through the death of our mothers. I like organic fancy-nut not-peanut butter with sliced bananas on whole grain toast maybe more than I like anything. I have a trampoline the size of the state of Connecticut made up of strong, loving, empowered women who encourage me to Be. My sister needs that, so badly, and won't let me be it for her, and needs to find her Something. And boys don't fall in love with girls who put out, at least not in the movies. Boys fall in love with girls they are tragically distanced from, via other relationships or work obligations, they have sex with the vixens, and fall in love at the end through much outbursts and epic songstry.

Those are my conclusions today. Tommorrow feels like it's the last day before lift-off, like my last day on Earth somehow, even though it's more like my first.

I think I'm going to that tattoo, if it's not within time constraints, it will have to wait for Seattle.
